Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage uses slow strokes and deep pressure to work on tight areas to release specific muscle tension and restore flexibility. It loosens connective tissue to release chronic tension which might have developed from injury or overuse.

30 Minutes starting at $40
60 Minutes starting at $70
90 Minutes starting at $90
2 Hours starting at $120

Cupping Massage

Cupping Massage uses specially designed cups that when applied causes a negative pressure that releases rigid soft tissue, drains excess fluid and toxins, loosens adhesions, lifts connective tissue and brings blood flow to the skin.

30 Minutes starting at $40
60 Minutes starting at $70
90 Minutes starting at $90
2 Hours starting at $120


Reflexology is a pressure therapy primarily involving the feet. A science based on the artful application of gentle pressure on reflex areas in the body, most usually hands, feet and ears; which produces harmony, health, and homeostasis in the body. Reflexology can assist the body to regain its natural equilibrium, but it may also be used to maintain harmony in the body. Reflexology has been found to reduce stress and tension, relieve pain, improve bodily functions, and generally restore the body to a better state, so improving physical well-being.

30 Minutes starting at $35
50 Minutes starting at $50
60 Minutes with essential oils starting at $70

Cindi's Signature Therapy

3 Hour Massage - This massage includes manual Swedish, Deep Tissue and Trigger Point. Moving and stationary cupping, stretches with cups, lymphatic finishing work. Abdominal cupping, face, sinus , head and neck and foot reflexology!

Raindrop Massage

The Raindrop Technique is a method of using Vita Flex, reflexology, massage techniques, etc., and essential oils applied on various locations of the body to bring it structural and electrical alignment. It is designed to bring balance to the body with its relaxing and mild application. It will help align the energy centers of the body and release them if blocked, without using hard pressure or trying to force the body to change, which should never be done.

60 Minutes starting at $60

Ear Candling

Ear Candling is a natural way to clean out accumulated fungus and debris that has built up in the wax of your ears.

Starting at $50

Ion Cleanse

This 30 minute detox foot bath is designed to help flush toxins from your body.

Starting at $35

Body Wraps

Choose a Wrap to fit your needs: Aromatherapy, Body Contouring, Detoxification Mud, Exfoliating Salt Scrub.

60 Minutes starting at $85

Aroma Vita-flexology

Our Signature Treatment for the Feet, is inspired by a Tibetan technique developed thousands of years before acupuncture. It literally means "vitality through the reflexes". Electrical energy produced during this technique helps to bring back balance to the nerve pathways in a non-invasive manner, it can also re-align the spine without manipulation, hit target problems in the body that are not easily accessible, reduce stress and tension, help detox the lymphatic system and more. Combined with essential oils that are tailored to your needs; enhances the process even more and drives the oils into the corresponding reflex points. Book this session alone or add it to another service. Also available on select "Foot Fridays" for walk-ins.


Remove that unwanted hair quickly, completely and painlessly with body sugaring services, for both men and women, from Molly Michael.

Consult with a Professional:
Skin Care with Molly

Meet with Esthetician Molly Michael to have her put together a skincare regimen exclusively for you and your skin.

30 min starting at $35
60 min starting at $60

Air Brush Spray Tanning with Molly


Professional Guidance on how to:
Aid with Essential Oils
Cook with Essential Oils

Make your Own: roll-on's, body spray's, or and aromatherapy mixture you need Thieves, Thieves, and more Thieves.
Or, Any Issue you need guidance in Meet with Christe or Amy our resident Essential Oils experts for a session you won't regret.

30 min starting at $35
60 min starting at $60

Baby Foot

An innovative foot care product with a unique formula of 17 natural extracts allowing your feel to exfoliate naturally, leaving them highly mositures.
